In Death For Gold, two friends, Mary (Tina Krause) and Laura (Laura Giglio), have stolen a fortune in gold, but a man (Evan Desmond) overhears them at a bar and kidnaps each of them to learn the whereabouts of the gold. Mary is knocked out in her garage and carried out. She’s taken to a warehouse where she’s stripped to her underwear and interrogated with a cattle prod and a deadly gas canister. Not learning what he needs, he kidnaps Laura and uses the cattle prod on her as well while hanging heavy bricks over her head. The killer leaves Laura struggling with her bonds as a candle burns the rope that holds the brick above her head. Will either woman survive?
In Dr. Death, WAVE introduces its latest horror character. Tina Krause stars as Dr. Smith who gets paid off by an insurance person, Eva Turner (Laura Giglio) to deny an experimental procedure for a patient who later dies. The husband (GW Lawrence) of the patient returns a year later to reap his revenge on the two women.
In Rivalry, Dana Porter (Tina Krause) and Jenny (Laura Giglio) are competing for the same job and promotion. Disgusted with Jenny, Dana decides to hire a hitman ( Evan Desmond) to remove her competition. But Jenny turns the tables on the hitman and offers him twice what he was being paid by Dana to kill Dana instead. The hitman then turns his talents against Dana. (violence, carrying, nudity) 75 min.
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