Penelope (Elizabeth Raven) is back in an all-new adventure! The Nazis (Debbie D) want the “hypnotic gem” and will stop at nothing to get it including murdering a young girl (Laura Giglio) and leaving Penelope to be blown to bits! And will the present day Penelope also face death by drowning? Learn all this and more in the cliffhanger adventure, “The New Perils of Penelope!”. (20 min.)
DVD includes BOTH the new and original movies!
Starring Michelle Caporaletti. This video was banned at FANEX ’94 because of the “captured”.
You be the judge and return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear and follow the wacky adventures of Penelope as she faces evil villains and deadly deathtraps, one after the other.
If you like the old-time movie serials and “damsels in distress”, you’re going to love this one!
Done like the old serials, each chapter ends with a cliffhanger and is resolved in the next exciting episode. Penelope finds herself bound and gagged in almost every chapter. This is the complete serial! Also starring Lisa Mazeo and Diana Lea. (85 min.)
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